Meanwhile your fave twice … pic.twitter.com/f7dFp9nQ9j
— Hahaha (@lovemoney_247) January 26, 2023
It didn’t ignore it, each vote was on something slightly different. If I present to you a 10 point plan and you reject it as point 10is a deal breaker I will then amend point 10. Twice if needs be.
— Politically Homeless (@politicallyvoid) January 26, 2023
내 생각에는 히어로든 빌런이든 최고가 되려면 한 번쯤은 죽어야 하는 것 같다… 낸시 시나트라의 You only live twice 듣고 가실게요
— 칠정 (@anti_babypille) January 26, 2023
if i had a nickel for every time i was interested in a boy just for him to come to my job and tell me that he finds all of my coworkers extremely attractive, i would have two nickels. which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
— tay (they/them) ✨ (@taylwade) January 26, 2023
TWICE #1 GG BTW https://t.co/uDniSrHhRM pic.twitter.com/BiIfpEofrw
— Our Youth (@suzytwiceskz) January 26, 2023
I already said this a few times: the demographic that consume TWICE's music has shifted to older age range, as TWICE themselves has matured.
Streaming is no longer priorities for most of them. Many of them simply left the fandom life and become casual listener.
It's just life.
— Listening to TWICE : "Moonlight Sunrise" (@AlexandraNg1991) January 26, 2023
課題やらなきゃ!!!!!!!! TWICEのジョンヨンが23:00をお知らせします。
— Jeongyeon Clock (@Jeongyeon_clock) January 26, 2023
[쇼챔직캠] 트와이스 사나 – Feel Special (TWICE SANA – Feel Special) l EP.334 https://t.co/KnZl4ultnz @YouTubeより
— みつき (@mashima_441) January 26, 2023
I'm in public schools in an inner city almost weekly–twice a week. I see nothing of what you describe. I do see kids in nasty old buildings and teachers making do with dogeared books, however. How does that gets better with holy rollers praying over them in a religious school.
— Jackie Ross Flaum (@jrflaum) January 26, 2023
I voted for Trump twice but he needs to wake up and quit supporting @GOPChairwoman and he needs to endorse @pnjaban for RNC chair we need to start winning and I think she is the right person for the job. he has endorsed everyone else, but not Rnc chair. What’s up with that?
— Randy (@RandyPettit12) January 26, 2023
Twice melhor grupo musical sul coreano
— F. (@jijilovver) January 26, 2023
Everyone Wants Your Email Address. Think Twice Before Sharing It. pic.twitter.com/duKjndItLV
— Rohit Chouhan Rajput (@itsrohitchouhan) January 26, 2023