Fire Tower Update – The Big Pocono Fire Tower now stands tall 100 years from when it was first erected.https://t.co/41DHyr8Zmj pic.twitter.com/XT2Vran759
— Grey Towers (@GreyTowersPA) February 22, 2022
Ano a to vede na tento odkaz https://t.co/ZccYsSfvfv
A tam se píše, že Sessions as Flynn se setkali se Kysliakem v Trump Tower, ano , to víme 😀 Kysliak je ruský diplomat z ambasády.
— Inclamiente (@Inclamiente) February 22, 2022
As a building inspector I can not believe the condition of some tower blocks and we have little to no authority to do anything about it. The entire system is broken.
— James (@JamesEesuve) February 22, 2022
De la boca para afuera, politiquería turca. Si hubiese habido VAR en los últimos 20 años Nacional tenía 4 o 5 Uruguayos menos. Obvio que
es más conveniente declarar así, hasta parece ser un incansable luchador por la justicia el tranfuga este— TowerCrow (@tower_crow) February 22, 2022
Three observations.
1. Sounds like Tower of Babel to me.
2. It’s modern techno-eugenics, same as the early 1900s.
3. I am continuously entertained that the evil villain monologue where they tell you their plans is actually a real thing, and not just a cartoon movie trope.— Belligerently Inquisitive (@InquisitiveGreg) February 22, 2022
deffo get a tower! i got mine from amazon and she loves it so much 🙂 i was worrying if i play with her everytime she does something bad to try and incentivise her to stop that she’ll think if she’s naughty then she’ll get attention but i guess that comes under cause and effect ?
— ً (@444molls) February 22, 2022
Attente sous moy.journ.:Blanche Neige et les Sept Nains(20m), Dumbo the Flying Elephant(15m), Mad Hatter's Tea Cups(5m), Main Street Vehicles(5m), Star Tours : L'Aventure Continue(5m), Cars Road Trip(5m), Flying Carpets Over Agrabah(5m), Twilight Zone Tower of Terror (The)(5m)
— DCP-Data (@DCPData) February 22, 2022
There are a tad more than 3 Russians in the UK who have sprawling country estates or entire tower blocks they've bought surely?
Is Lebedev among them?— Nosey. Resident of plague island aka UK (@RestedIn) February 22, 2022
#Woking town centre is being rebranded as Victoria Place, which takes in existing shopping centres, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theatres and the soon to open Victoria Square tower block, retail and leisure redevelopment. See https://t.co/ICy8GUUN9p @WokingShopping #Community pic.twitter.com/Ha7q2BhpI7
— Woking News & Mail (@Woking_NewsMail) February 22, 2022
In the time of Skin Soldiers, the Unnamed Seer betrays the Tower Clerics.
— Fantasy Vagaries (@fantasyvagaries) February 22, 2022
No, it's the Elizabeth clock tower. Big Ben is not the clock or the tower, it is the name of the largest of the five bells inside the tower
— Mike Pickup (@toptraveller) February 22, 2022