STvote61 REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
I’d like to request ‘ST’ from their first full album ‘1ST’. It‘s been a…
しまうま🦓💎vote✨いいね欄に自ツイ、英文リク有!リプ欄ご自由にお使い下さい🎵(2021/02/13 04:29:04)
Anco0501ST REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
I love the music of SixTONES, where the six tones overlap beautifully❗…
あんこ💎(2021/02/13 04:29:00)
aki3na04 REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
I want many people to know the performance of SixTONES!
Imitation Rain、NA…
🦓KEI(2021/02/13 04:29:00)
0ozzzero0 RT @Mst_com: 次回のMステは、2月19日(金)恋うた3時間SP💖
Official髭男dism/yama/millennium parade/ひらめ/りりあ。/橋本愛/森七菜/DISH///平手友梨奈/Kis-My-Ft2/SixTONES/いきものがかり/THE…
0ozzzero0(2021/02/13 04:29:00)
st_ocha2020 来週のテレビジョン、TVガイド…。SixTONES ビジュ良すぎ😂えぇ。もちろん買います💪
お茶(2021/02/13 04:28:59)
reikableu RT @TiduAura: I’ve discovered this Youtube that uploads some subbed parts of SixTONES ANN and I’m listening to it from the beginning. (Than…
ReiKabLeu(2021/02/13 04:28:44)
aki3na04 REQUEST #SixTONES @MTV #FridayLivestream
I want many people to know the performance of SixTONES!
Imitation Rain、NA…
🦓KEI(2021/02/13 04:28:35)